The basic rate amounts to 1 Eurocent (€0.01) per character, i.e. 15 Euro per standard page as used by the VG Wort, a German copyright collective (equals to 1,500 characters incl. spaces) while the question whether the rate should be related to the source or target text is negotiable. If your text is more specialised, a surcharge amounting to 30 % of the basic price will apply.
Further surcharges apply if you wish your translation to get delivered faster. For a delivery within 48 hours a surcharge amounting to 50 % of the „service“ price will apply, for a delivery within 24 hours this surcharge will amount to 100 % of the „service“ price. (In case of a general text translation, this price equals to the basic rate, in case of a more specialised source text translation it consists of the basic rate and the specialised text surcharge.)
Should your text undercut the border value of 1,500 characters incl. spaces, the price is negotiable.
Additionally, I also offer proofreading of German and Czech texts. The rate for this service amounts to 50 % of the respective translation rate.
Please note: These rates do not apply to certified (also known as sworn) translations. Those are priced according to Section 11 of the German Law on Remuneration of Witnesses and Experts [Gesetz über die Vergütung von Sachverständigen, Dolmetscherinnen, Dolmetschern, Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzern sowie die Entschädigung von ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen, ehrenamtlichen Richtern, Zeuginnen, Zeugen und Dritten (Justizvergütungs- und -entschädigungsgesetz – JVEG)]. The rates are stipulated there as follows:
- Electronically editable text – 1,80 Euros per 55 characters
- Electronically uneditable text – 1,95 Euros per 55 characters
- Electronically editable text, express delivery necessary – 1,95 Euros per 55 characters
- Electronically uneditable text, express delivery necessary – 2,10 Euros per 55 characters